Wednesday, September 17, 2008

If Jessica can talk about it, so can I.

So, Jessica's blog has talked about poo this week, and tonight, I had a poo experience.  Parker has been very particular lately about where he will go... and today, he would not go when I took him out in the morning, or in the afternoon.  This evening, he didn't want to go either.  But, I was persistent and after about 10 minutes of walking him to a variety of poo-spots, I took him to an area that is quite suitable for pooing and just stood there.  After about 3 minutes of just standing, he finally went.  And went.  And went.  It was unbelievable - I almost could not get it all in the bag I had with me.  So, there you have it.  My poo story.

Will life ever slow down?

I think it's been 4 or 5 weekends in a row that we've gone to Eugene - and it looks like it may be several more before we can have some respite.  Although Idon't seem to mind the drive anymore, it does nothing for my ability to keep the apartment clean and laundry up to date (which is not my strongest suit anyway).

Steve is mega-stressed about getting the jobs done in Eugene that seem to be tightening a death grip around us.  In fact, he had to leave work at noon today to drive down to Eugene to try to fix some things - and he HAS to be back here at 11 tomorrow... then, he may drive down again tomorrow night and stay through the weekend, leaving me to come down on Saturday.  

Our car is in the shop so he had to rent one.  That kind of stinks, but we'll deal with it.

I feel like I am really fighting my pessimistic urges and really trying to trust God in this, but it's hard not to try to carry it all myself.  It seems that Steve and I have made such mistakes when it comes to his business, and that it might all be coming back to bite us in the bootie right now.  It's hard not to fixate and worry - but really, what will that do?  Perhaps I just feel totally helpless because I can't help Steve - when he calls, I don't even know what to tell him except that it will all work out in the end.  It will, right?

Sooo.. I'm trying to work hard at my job, and do what I can in that regard - and really, what's the worst that can happen?  The absolute worst is that the company would go bankrupt -and that we, somehow, would be drug into that... and well, there ARE worse things in life than bankruptcy, right?  Of course, I think this is a very very improbable outcome... I think it's more likely that we'll just have to eat some of the business losses... which is not great, but not the end of the world.  I'm such a spoiled brat that maybe it would do me some good.

Anyway, I best start doing a bit more work.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Idiots in their cars

Today, I was driving in Springfield and saw some woman who was a passenger in a minivan. in the front seat. She was holding and bouncing an infant on her lap. What is wrong with people?! I mean really. And of course, being the concerned citizen that I am, I called the police. Unfortunately, I'm sure there was no way the cops could find them, but I feel I did my civic duty.

I just don't get it.

On a happier note, my fantasy football team kicked bootie this week.

Keep on Keepin' On

Last weekend, we went down to Eugene for it seems the 80th time this summer. Steve did a bit of work and then we were off to the coast for Buck's wedding at Heceta Lighthouse. It was a perfect day for an outdoor evening wedding at the coast - not too windy, only slightly chilly. In Oregon, you can't ask for much more than that. I admit, I was crabby most of the weekend, but you know, we all have our moments and I can't be bright and bubbly all the time; I just can't.

The day after the wedding, we went back to Eugene where Steve did some more work and on Monday, which was labor day, we went back to Portland in the evening. The next day, Steve had to do the same trip over again - Portland to Eugene to Florence to Newport to Eugene to Portland... all in one day. holy moly. He took Parker with him and at the end of a day in the car, Parker was one unhappy camper, but it made him very happy to see me and to be home.

The work week passed fairly quickly, although both Steve and I started feeling under the weather. I had some depositions this week and as part of my illness, I sneezed during one which caused a bloody nose - that, my friend, may or may not have been the best moment of my life. On Friday, we were both feeling pretty run down so Steve took the day off from work to rest and try to get better. I had too much work to do so I pressed on.

Once again, we came down to Eugene - I'm currently sitting at my in-laws' computer typing this post. Steve is trying to wrap up some projects here and I brought work with me to do over the weekend. I've not been getting as much done as I had hoped, but that's pretty typical for me.

We just found out that we're not going to Africa this winter, afterall... which means we will have 2.5 weeks in Europe. We're not sure how we're going to spend all of that time, so I'm going to start doing some internet searching. Feel free to leave us some suggestions.

Until next time....