Monday, August 25, 2008

Another weekend come and gone. . .

On Saturday, Steve woke me up at 7:30 and after getting over being pissed at him, I rolled out of bed, brushed my teeth, and climbed into the car.  We were on our way to Eugene to help the Bandstras with their sewer problem... well, Steve was on his way to help.  I was on my way to visit Jessica, John Spencer, and of course, Kate.  

For being a work-day, it was actually pretty relaxing - I took a few cat naps throughout the day and got to see my parents for awhile - it was the first time I'd seen my dad since the beginning of July, so that was good.

We went out to dinner with my mom and grandparents and then watched the finals in men's platform diving before heading back to Portland.  It was a long night and I was, once again, not too thrilled when the alarm clock went off, reminding me that it was time to go to church.

We spent the balance of Sunday afternoon cleaning and cooking (after my 2 hour nap)... and Steve went to work for about 5 hours.

Today, I had to head down to Salem for a couple of hearings in one of my cases.  It was nice to be back in the courtroom - it reminded me of how much I like motion practice and being in court for non-evidentiary hearings - and it also struck me at how good my colleagues are, generally, at their jobs.  I like these kinds of days.

I think I had bad breath at the hearing though - ick... I need to carry gum or tic tacs for such occasions, really.

Now, I'm off to make corn bread to go with the beef stew we made for dinner tonight, which is simmering in the crock pot.  I admit it does not smell delicious, but corn bread makes everything better, right?  

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