Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Top 10 new things Steve and/or I did this week

10.  We tied furniture that we bought at IKEA to the top of our car and drove home with Steve holding onto the furniture through the sunroof so it wouldn't slide off.

9.  We went to Winco, which is kind of like going to a different country because no one speaks English and everyone acts as though the beef is going to run out if they don't push you out of the way first.  It reminded me of standing in the ticket line at the train station in Paris - and the woman behind me felt like she was going to get her ticket faster if she crawled up my bum during the entire 45 minute wait.

8.  We stayed in Portland for the weekend.  Okay, that's not entirely new, but it's been a long time.

7.  I sang with the choir at the church we've been attending.

6.  I became mildly addicted to fantasy football message boards trying to figure out who to start on my roster this week.

5.  We made it to bed before midnight every single night this week.  This one's kind of boring, but I'm running out of new things that we did...

4.  We had lunch with Graham and Donnie from my work on Tuesday, and bid Donnie a fond farewell as he headed out to Egypt.  Yes.  Egypt.  As in the Nile.  and Cairo.  Egypt.

3. We finally got the last of our books put away on shelves, instead of being stacked behind the couch.  That's new, right?

2.  I gave Steve a haircut.  Really.  And it didn't suck too bad.

And the #1 new thing Steve and/or I did this week...

1.  I told a woman at church that Steve's sperm is bad when she asked when we were planning to have children.  In front of the pastor.


Job 77 said...

Re: #1--That'll learn her not to be nosy.

nokomis said...

ha ha ha,Jess is right. I'm so jealous that you got to use that one before me!