Wednesday, September 17, 2008

If Jessica can talk about it, so can I.

So, Jessica's blog has talked about poo this week, and tonight, I had a poo experience.  Parker has been very particular lately about where he will go... and today, he would not go when I took him out in the morning, or in the afternoon.  This evening, he didn't want to go either.  But, I was persistent and after about 10 minutes of walking him to a variety of poo-spots, I took him to an area that is quite suitable for pooing and just stood there.  After about 3 minutes of just standing, he finally went.  And went.  And went.  It was unbelievable - I almost could not get it all in the bag I had with me.  So, there you have it.  My poo story.


Job 77 said...

Wouldn't it be cool if you could shape his behavior to where he would only go where you want him to?

nokomis said...

Holli, Steve. You'd better post soon... or else....