Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Run of My Own... sort of.

Yesterday, I came home from work and asked Steve if he wanted to go running with me. He said "no," but that Trumond would really enjoy it and NEEDED it. I thought to myself about the last time I took Mr. T running and how I almost died because he kept trying to trip me up. Since then, though, we bought a harness for him... So, I gave it a try. And lo, and behold, it worked out. not perfectly, but we did 6 intervals of 3.5:1 run:walk minutes. So, he and I ran over 2.5 miles together, with some walking breaks. And he almost broke a doggie sweat. But, he did sleep pretty well!

Maybe I'll take him for another run tomorrow; if the weather isn't too bad.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Weekend of Activity

So, Saturday morning, Annie and I went for a run - another 3:1 run:walk. We were only going to do 10 intervals, but we lost count and did 11. Then, we were a bit too far from where we wanted to be, so we added another interval and did a 12th. I admit that I was sucking wind by the end, but it felt good to run a little more than 3.5 miles, which is unexpected! I think the next step will be 3.5:1 intervals. Maybe we'll do that Tuesday.

Today, Jessica, Joonas, Steve and I went for a bike ride on the Portland Parkway. It was a lot of fun and made me interested in riding my bike more. I think I will try do that - maybe it will strengthen my knee, too.

I hope it doesn't rain too much this week so that I don't lose momentum.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Run last night

Annie and I met at Grant Park and decided to run for 3 minutes, then walk for 1 minute, 10 times. That way, we ended up running 30 minutes and walking 10. It was a GREAT workout and at the end, I felt like I had accomplished something without being totally dead. (This was particular good, given that last week, I couldn't run a full mile without dying!) It's nice because on the interval training like this, we can run a little faster than we normally would. I think we'll keep up this for while, with increasing time running and reducing time walking. I'm thinking of perhaps doing something where during the week, doing 10 intervals, and on Saturday, doing 15 with the same run:walk ratio - then the next week, either increasing run time by 30 seconds, or decreasing walk time by 30 seconds. Then, on a third day in the week, trying to do a short run without breaks (start with 1 mile and maybe increase by 1/2 mile every week). Something like that - not sure exactly yet. My goal is to get to a place where we can walk/run the Butte to Butte on July 4 with maybe running 6-7 min. and walking 1 min. Who knows - maybe by that time, we'll be able to run the whole thing. We'll see. My longer term goal is to be able to run the Scandy fest 10K in mid August with Bronwyn at a 10 min/mile pace.

My even longer term goal is to run, again, the Run Like Hell Half, at the end of October, with my dad.

The only bad news = my left knee is giving me a little bit of grief today - stairs are particularly troublesome. I'm starting to do some strength training for my legs to try and stabilize my knee a bit. This is the knee that has been troublesome since I was in high school (and the reason I can't really drive a manual car on a regular basis - despite my preference for them). Ah well. It will get better. I hope.

Tonight, Steve and I are going to a benefit auction with some friends from church. Should be a good time.