Monday, June 28, 2010

Slow & Steady Wins the Race

Annie and I continue to progress with our run:walk intervals. A week ago, we did 10 intervals at 4:1... and then on Friday evening, we ran 5 miles at 4.5:1 intervals. Although, there were a couple of times when we took a 2 minute walk or 1.5 minute walk between - but nevertheless, it felt good to go 5 miles! She and I were discussing how quickly we lose our "in shapedness" when we slack off the running. It's unbelievable to me to think that just a few months ago (ok... so 8 months ago), I ran 13.1 miles - really ran it - I think I only walked about 5 minutes of the 2.5 hours of running... and now, sheeeeeesh. But, I feel like I'm making some really healthy lifestyle choices and thinking of this as being a slow and steady addition to my life that will be lasting.

In addition to running, I have also been riding my bike to work - not every day, but I've done it several times over the past week. It's about 3 miles each way. I admit, I am SLOWWWW. It takes me about 25 min. to ride, so that's like 8 min/mile, which many people RUN faster than that, but I am sure that with time, I will get stronger and faster. I got my gears fixed, which is helping quite a bit, too.

So, with the running and bike riding, I have also decided to make some food lifstyle changes. I am a total carb/sweets junkie and that does not do great things for the scale, which in turn does not do great things for the running. So, I have decided that rather than eat whatever I want (which is what I have been doing), I just need to cut down on the carbs/sweets and try to avoid super fatty foods. In practical terms, what this means is that I'm trying to only eat complex carbohydrates (I'm not counting fruit as a carb), and only one serving per day. To satisfy my appetite for my other meals, I am trying to add a lot more veggies - eating a lot of salad and whatnot. I am not going crazy with it, though. So, I still allow myself some natural fatty foods (e.g. olives, avocado), and I allow myself to eat cheese, although much of the time, I eat part-skim string cheese.

I don't have a clue where our scale is, so I don't know if it's actually making any kind of real difference, but I feel like I'm doing a "healthier" thing for myself, and I like it.

I give myself one "off" day per week, too, on which I don't really have to watch what I eat at all - although I do try to temper myself and not go totally overboard. I am not always successful.

Soooo.... now, if I could only force myself to get a little more sleep... so I'm off to bed.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Two Runs To Discuss

Last Thursday, Annie and I did 10 x 3:1 run:walk intervals. It was easy for Annie. Really easy. For me, not so much. I am needing some more consistency. Fo' sho'. I was pretty sore on Friday, which is upsetting.... but oh well. On Saturday, we went for a short bike ride - about 2.5 miles. Now, it's Monday, and Steve and I took the dogs out for some exercise. I did 5 x 3.5:1 run: walk intervals and Steve rode his bike along side of me with the dogs. I was feeling like I could have gone further, but dinner was finished cooking at that point, so it was time to be done.

Steve actually let T-dawg pull him most of the way so that Trumond was TIRED at the end. It was wonderful. I think maybe we'll go for another run tomorrow.

Now, if we could just end the tick infestation, we'll be all good.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Run of My Own... sort of.

Yesterday, I came home from work and asked Steve if he wanted to go running with me. He said "no," but that Trumond would really enjoy it and NEEDED it. I thought to myself about the last time I took Mr. T running and how I almost died because he kept trying to trip me up. Since then, though, we bought a harness for him... So, I gave it a try. And lo, and behold, it worked out. not perfectly, but we did 6 intervals of 3.5:1 run:walk minutes. So, he and I ran over 2.5 miles together, with some walking breaks. And he almost broke a doggie sweat. But, he did sleep pretty well!

Maybe I'll take him for another run tomorrow; if the weather isn't too bad.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Weekend of Activity

So, Saturday morning, Annie and I went for a run - another 3:1 run:walk. We were only going to do 10 intervals, but we lost count and did 11. Then, we were a bit too far from where we wanted to be, so we added another interval and did a 12th. I admit that I was sucking wind by the end, but it felt good to run a little more than 3.5 miles, which is unexpected! I think the next step will be 3.5:1 intervals. Maybe we'll do that Tuesday.

Today, Jessica, Joonas, Steve and I went for a bike ride on the Portland Parkway. It was a lot of fun and made me interested in riding my bike more. I think I will try do that - maybe it will strengthen my knee, too.

I hope it doesn't rain too much this week so that I don't lose momentum.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Run last night

Annie and I met at Grant Park and decided to run for 3 minutes, then walk for 1 minute, 10 times. That way, we ended up running 30 minutes and walking 10. It was a GREAT workout and at the end, I felt like I had accomplished something without being totally dead. (This was particular good, given that last week, I couldn't run a full mile without dying!) It's nice because on the interval training like this, we can run a little faster than we normally would. I think we'll keep up this for while, with increasing time running and reducing time walking. I'm thinking of perhaps doing something where during the week, doing 10 intervals, and on Saturday, doing 15 with the same run:walk ratio - then the next week, either increasing run time by 30 seconds, or decreasing walk time by 30 seconds. Then, on a third day in the week, trying to do a short run without breaks (start with 1 mile and maybe increase by 1/2 mile every week). Something like that - not sure exactly yet. My goal is to get to a place where we can walk/run the Butte to Butte on July 4 with maybe running 6-7 min. and walking 1 min. Who knows - maybe by that time, we'll be able to run the whole thing. We'll see. My longer term goal is to be able to run the Scandy fest 10K in mid August with Bronwyn at a 10 min/mile pace.

My even longer term goal is to run, again, the Run Like Hell Half, at the end of October, with my dad.

The only bad news = my left knee is giving me a little bit of grief today - stairs are particularly troublesome. I'm starting to do some strength training for my legs to try and stabilize my knee a bit. This is the knee that has been troublesome since I was in high school (and the reason I can't really drive a manual car on a regular basis - despite my preference for them). Ah well. It will get better. I hope.

Tonight, Steve and I are going to a benefit auction with some friends from church. Should be a good time.

Monday, March 29, 2010

2 x 1

So, in the last 7 days, I have run twice. Twice I tell you. It's a miracle. I went about 1 mile each time. The first was hard and horrible; the second, not so bad! I am going to try to run again tomorrow. We'll see if I make it; I'm so tired.

Trial preparations are ramping back up. I had gotten spoiled with 2-day weekends there for awhile, and this Saturday, when I was sitting in my office, I remembered why the 2-day weekend is so much better! By the time Monday gets there, it seems like it's OK to go back... but with only Sunday off, it's so much harder to go back on Monday.

I took the dogs to the dog park twice this week, also. This makes for tired happy dogs, usually. But on Saturday, Parker was so obsessed with this guy who was throwing a ball (whose own dog was also obsessed)... Parker would run, full speed after the ball. One particularly fateful time, however, he was not paying attention to anything, and neither was the other dog - and they ended up pummeling each other at full speed. Parker flew through the air and did about 800 turns in the air (ok, so I'm not even sure he did any flips, but I think maybe he did). He is still limping around. Poor Parky.

OK.... off to bed.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I wonder if...

... I will find enough motivation to run that I'll be able to run the 10K on April 12th that I agreed to run so many months ago.... I MUST GET TO IT if I'm going to do it!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A post not so much about running...

I went running last Thursday. I think I ran about 2 miles total, since I ran to meet Annie, and then she and I ran together. Then, Steve and I walked home with the dogs. The run was difficult, but the company was sweet, and the time walking with Steve and the dogs much appreciated (even if Trumond can't be worn out... he just can't).

Life has been a whirlwind of late, with a trial that ramped up and was barreling full steam ahead and then all of a sudden, went away for a six-week postponement. I am not looking forward to mid-late March, knowing I have to get ramped up again.

The last three months have led to tremendous upheaval in my life, and I have not felt like talking about it, or really even acknowledging it until now. Even now, I guess I don't want to. I suppose I will just say that I feel like I am going through the motions at work, at church, in my family. I seem to be lacking spark, joy, passion; a pawn in a not-so-grand scheme. I am not excited about running (although I do like the idea of running); I find myself asking the question: Do I REALLY believe this seemingly far-fetched fairy tale story that is the Bible, and feeling (for the first time in over 15 years) like I am unable to give a definitive answer; I rarely see my husband, and when I do, we talk more about the logistics of our lives than the meaning of them. It is all very unsettling.

I wonder why my opponents are so abnormally unreasonable lately, why the neighbor is passive aggressive and leaves nastigrams instead of coming to speak with us about why he has a problem with where our friends park their cars, why the timing never seems right to sell our house in Eugene, why God has seen fit for me to be without a child, why the dog won't walk properly on a leash, and why I can't seem to do anything dependably except to be undependable. I am in a place of unanswered questions, and all I really want is some peace from it. Real peace. Not the peace of distraction, or exercise, or sleep. Until that arrives, however, I guess I will just have to settle for sleep.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A week goes by...

... and all I have to show for it is 50 some-odd hours of billed work and a 4 mile run with Annie that left me with an incredible side stitch. joy of joys. Tonight, however, Brielle, Matt, and Ian came into town for tomorrow's Superbowl/baking party. I'm pretty excited about it. A full day, tomorrow, without having to go to work! HOOOORAY!

For now, I'm totally exhausted and ready for night night!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Increasing Mileage

Yesterday, Annie and I ran 5.5 miles in about an hour! It felt good to do it, although thre were times when it was really really hard! We ran from Annie's house up to Killingsworth and then around a big block and then up a HUGE hill at the end... oh my goodness, I thought I was going to die!!! But, I was able to finish pretty strong (the last two blocks, I kicked it up a notch) and it was nice.

Of course, yesterday afternoon and today my right knee is killing me, but I think that will get better. I'm really excited that we seem to be on course for getting strong enough to run a 10K, in April, in an hour.... We're already at the mileage (almost) so now we can concentrate on speed building. I will sure be happy if we can do it! We'll see.

I didn't work today, for the first time in 2 weeks. hooorah! but it iwll be back at it tomorrow.... and I know I have to work this coming Saturday - maybe Sunday too... I don't know. In any event, I'm tired and already wanting to go to bed (it's only 7 p.m.) but I"m looking forward to the week and to being productive.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I think I went running this morning

At about 6:00, when Trumond was up and ready to go, but Steve and Parker were not... so, I got up and took him out for just under a mile run - then we came back and I gave him a bath because he smelled bad, generally (I figured out today that he piddled in his crate so he was laying on a pee-smelling bed for who knows how many nights - poor poochie... his bed is being washed now) Anyway... then, I went to work... and I came home at 10:15 p.m.... it feels like this morning's run was a year ago.

I don't mind working long hours, but I do hate the fact that of the 16.5 hours I've been awake, I worked almost 14 of them... it makes it feel like my day is just non-existent. I do have to say, though, that Steve is AMAZING!!! He knew I had to work late, so he prepared these two huge gift baskets for me of snacks and drinks and sent them to me at work - apples, oranges, peanut butter, caramel sauce, grapes, cookies, italian sodas, celery sticks, carrots, etc. It was awesome!

I think I'm going to try to sleep in until at least 7 tomorrow... that's my goal. we'll see how it goes. Maybe Steve will take early doggy duty. We'll see. Until tomorrow...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A much needed breakthrough

So, it's been a hard couple of weeks of running, and today, when I got up and thought about a 4.5 mile trek I was about to embark upon, I was less than excited. But, Annie was excited. She said she'd been looking forward to it all week. I told her that her enthusiasm and optimism would have to pull us through. And you know what, I think it did! It was pretty hard toward the end, and I suffered a bit of stomach aching stuff, but my breath and legs were OK. I am now feeling encouraged.

While we ran, Steve walked Trumond and Parker around the water front and discovered that Trumond is quite the ladies' man! They ALL wanted to pet him. Poor Parker got the "sympathy we're not ignoring you pats" too, but I don't that he can tell the difference between genuine pats and sympathy pats, so I suppose it doesn't much matter.

I spent 5 hours at work today... not so fantastic for a Saturday, but we're in full speed ahead trial mode, so life is going to be exceptionally busy for the next 6 weeks or so.

I am eating a tasty dinner of pesto pasta, cheese bread, and a wonderful caeser salad with avocado, olives, and pickles on it - all that I put together myself with stuff we had here - I'm feeling healthy AND frugal... yay.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

This day turned out kind of strange.

Today started as most any other day; I woke up, went to work. I wrote some letters, read some case law, went to a conference, had coffee with Maureen. It was a pretty normal day (OK, so the conference part is not really normal, but it's not necessarily abnormal). Then, it all changed.

Steve called me and told me that the dogs had gone wild. I will spare you the details of what they did, but it was not good, and caused them to get very dirty, but he was running late to a job, and so he was just locking the dogs in the bathroom and he would take care of it when he got home. I went home around 4:30, though, so I stopped by Safeway, got some gloves and cheap shampoo and went home, put my germophobia out of my mind, and gave the dogs a bath (after which I scrubbed the bathtub).

Then, Trumond had so much energy that I just HAD to take him for a run or I knew he was going to get into trouble if I didn't. So, we ran about 1/2 mile. It was his first run, ever. He actually did pretty well on the leash; I was pleasantly surprised. I took Parker, too, of course, so he didn't feel left out. Then, I brought them home, fed them dinner, let them out to do their business, and then joined Annie at the track for a speed workout. We did 6 laps. The first, we jogged at our normal pace. The second, we ran fast and thought we were going to die at the end. That was the same for our third lap, as well. (We took a minute or so break between laps). Then, for our fourth and fifth laps, we ran hard on the straight stretches and slowed down to a job on the turns... For our last lap, we walked. So, I ran about 1.75 miles today, although not all at once. I think I'm still going to count it as 1.75 miles on my run log.

Our next run will be Saturday morning. 4.5 miles around the waterfront. I'm a little nervous about whether I'll be able to make it - I think I will make it, but I don't think it will be pretty. At all. Wish me luck!

Monday, January 18, 2010

My motivation is meandering away from me

So, since I last posted, I have run once. This morning. I did not do the 3.5 miles I was scheduled to do today. oh no. I did just under 2 miles. 1.88 to be exact. I really need to get myself in gear if I'm going to run 6.2 miles in just 3 months. really. I mean really. It's been SOOO stinking rainy lately, and dark, that the thought of running just seems miserable. Last spring, I had such joy in it; now it seems like a chore. I am CONFIDENT that it will get better, but I need to find the motivation to get to the spot where it is better. Having a friend to go with makes the difference, I think, and this weekend, I was on my own.

Alright, well, I suppose I should get to work. I said I would go in this afternoon, but I've been having too much fun chatting with my cousin, playing with my dogs, and planning the road trip I hope to take in September. Really; I probably don't need to plan all the details just yet - but it's so fun dreaming about it!

I'm off.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

"Long Run" #1 - 2.5 Miles

It's so difficult to imagine that only 2.5 short months ago, I ran a half marathon... 13.2 miles. This morning, Annie and I ran 2.5 mils and I thought I was going to die. I guess it's a lesson once again learned, that I cannot take 2 months off and expect to be able to come back to it as though I had continued running that whole time. i do hope it comes back more quickly than it took me to get here, though. I think it will.

When we had gone about 2 miles, my lungs were burning and I was completely out of breath. Annie was such a great support- encouraging me that we only had a few (e.g. 11) more blocks to go. Thankfully, it was only my lungs that hurt, not my legs or any other part of my body. I think that's a good sign; the lungs should develop pretty quickly back into what they had been. This is much better than having to develop lungs AND legs!

We have agreed to run a 10K in April, and Annie is going to run a 1/2 marathon in May. Perhaps I will do the 1/2 marathon as well, but it's difficult to say right now. We'll see how it goes - life sometimes is just too busy to train for long runs like that. For the 10K, I'm really hoping to beat my best 10K time, which is about 1:11... if I could get it down to under 1 hour, I would be stoked, but that might be pushing it a bit, so i would be content to just beating my best time. Thus, I'm going to be doing some speed work once per week between now and April.

This week, I hope to run at least two times during the week, and then 3.5 miles on Saturday. Annie will be in Sun River so I'll be on my own - maybe I can get Steve to go with me. We'll see. I'll probably take Parker on one of my mid-week runs, just to give him a chance to get out of the house. Jackie is here for a visit, which is great, but Trumond goes non-stop and that is difficult for both Parker and Jackie, I think. Right now, he's napping in my lap which is great - he's such a snugglebug when he's tired and i like it.

Now, it's time for church, so I'm off.